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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Why other people do not support, appreciate and believe in your dreams

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why they don't believe it it don't appreciate your dream so there's a short answer and there's a war a little bit more expansive answer so the short answer is they don't believe it your dream because they have their own dream so part of it is physiology we each have our braid so each have our own thoughts but we also have our own spirits at our own souls so what's intrinsic to what parson is different than what's the church it to another but there's a few other factors also our work what is that we have a strong need to be right in this world and that's kind of linked to survival because if we feel like we're wrong then we feel like we're vulnerable because we feel like we can't be efficacious and effective in the world so let me just break that down a little bit so there's a famous saying that says you could be right or you could be rich the reason why people are successful at wealthy is what reason is because they could handle chaos they could handle ambiguity they could handle not being right so like an entrepreneur they said they say it's a person that could has a high threshold for pain because being an entrepreneur like Gary Vaynerchuk says is like getting punched in the face every day which is definitely true or some people said that being an entrepreneur is like eating eating glass because it's just solving problems and solving other people's problems one after another after another which is not easier always fun so but you are people successful people can let other people be right because they know that other people have a need to be right yeah you don't feel like you lose your sense of self people that have a weaker sense of self they always have to be right because they they feel like there's a sense of being right is what gives them control in the world may be a false sense of control but control the world it being able to survive ultimately so they don't want to give up that control they don't want to develop that idea being right because if they feel like they're wrong they feel like other people will take advantage of them the world you know is not good to them you know there's a lack of trust of the world because there's a lot of trust of themselves so getting back to vision they don't believe in your vision because it's a threat to their vision because if you're right how could they be right if they have a different vision they do so they can't support you because they want you to support them see it's kind of paradoxical call because in this world you have to give before you could get but most people don't realize that to a sufficient degree to be super super successful you know most people operate under scarcity principle you know a would lose that for me - a zero-sum game for being a win you have to lose but really mature and spiritual and successful alike people realize that it's not with losses with with that it's I don't I don't win at your expense I would because you you let me win I would because I help you to accomplish your dreams you know there's a famous book where the friends and influence people says show interest in other people you know genuine interest and then you'll get what you want sig Ziegler says help enough other people to get what they want and you know you could get anything you want so basically you know your dream is your dream other people are not gonna run around jumping up and down as your dream you know a lesson unless it helps them fit it to their dream so that's why success of business is just about value creation which is basically just helping other people fulfill their dreams and their needs and their goals and I guess that's about it 

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