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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

I haven’t been charged yet?

Pretty much i took an uber than cost me $40 then another a few hours later for $45. I didn’t have enough money to pay for the second trip ($45). Few days later, i received my work pay which obviously meant that i had enough to pay for it but the amount of $45 still hasn’t been deducted from my account yet - it usually deducts automatically a few hours later after i have enough money in my account (it’s now been a few days) as i’ve done this in the past. When i go to the uber app, there is no way for me to pay for the $45 as it doesn’t say anything like “outstanding balance” or “pay” or whatever. How do i pay for it?

Submitted January 08, 2020 at 06:56PM by tay2552

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